Become a member

Membership in FEKIS is free of charge.

Becoming a member is free for anyone who works as a teacher, researcher or doctoral student in business administration or a related subject, at Swedish universities.

Membership runs until further notice. If you no longer want to be a member, simply click on the link to unsubscribe at the bottom of our emails.

The benefits of membership include the opportunity to participate in our courses and seminars and also in the annual conference. As a member, you also occasionally receive membership letters with information about news within the association.
Fill in the form to register free of charge as a member of FEKIS.

Jag godkänner att dessa uppgifter sparas i Fekis medlemsdatabas / I agree to saving my information in Fekis member database.
(Fekis lämnar inte ut några uppgifter, utan använder endast adresserna till att skicka föreningsbrev / Fekis does not disclose any information, but only uses the addresses to send membership letters)